Branding, Social media

How To Create Your Personal Instagram Aesthetic: Tips & Popular Themes

You might notice when scrolling through Instagram that you can easily distinguish certain Instagramers' photos due to their unique style and content. The top Instagram influencers have created their own Instagram personas in part due to having a personal Instagram aesthetic. So how exactly do you develop an Instagram aesthetic either for yourself or for… Continue reading How To Create Your Personal Instagram Aesthetic: Tips & Popular Themes

Business, Media

The Rise of The Female Celebrity Brands

There seems to be a growing trend among Hollywood actresses lately. More and more actresses are developing and building their own brands and companies outside of their acting career- and doing it successfully. While you can go all the way back a couple of decades to Jane Fonda and her exercise videos or Cher appearing… Continue reading The Rise of The Female Celebrity Brands


The Best Digital Marketing Websites & Resources: Learn Digital Marketing

  Do you want to learn digital marketing but are not sure where to start? Or maybe you already work in digital marketing but want to deepen your knowledge and figure out what the current industry news and trends are. If this sounds like you, then I have put together a list of the best… Continue reading The Best Digital Marketing Websites & Resources: Learn Digital Marketing

Social media

How To Edit Your Photos Like An Instagram Pro: 4 Apps You Need To Download

What are the best apps for editing your Instagram photos and feed? Besides the iphone and Instagram's own editing tools (which are great resources), how can you create a beautiful and professional looking Instagram feed? I have done some research into what tools the top Instagram influencers use and have detailed the 4 best and… Continue reading How To Edit Your Photos Like An Instagram Pro: 4 Apps You Need To Download

Marketing, Social media, Travel

The Best Instagram Travel Hashtags To Use

Are you a travel company or travel blogger with an Instagram account? Then hashtags are an essential part of growing your Instagram following. I have searched across Instagram and compiled some of the most popular travel related hashtags being used today by some of the most popular IG travel bloggers and accounts for your enjoyment.… Continue reading The Best Instagram Travel Hashtags To Use

Social media

How To Create an Instagram Worthy Flat Lay

I am endlessly amazed by the creativity of digital influencers, particularly when it comes to creating beautiful images. One of my personal favorite types of photos and a very popular style is a flat lay picture. A flat lay is a photo of objects, clothing, food or anything else taken from above. Flat lays are the… Continue reading How To Create an Instagram Worthy Flat Lay

Content, Copywriting, Marketing

How to Write Better Headlines that Convert

Headlines are an extremely important part of content marketing. Not only can headlines increase your content's CTR, but they can also lead to an increase in social media shares. Basically, upping your headline copywriting game will increase your bottom line. But how can you write better headlines? Great headlines come in all different shapes but… Continue reading How to Write Better Headlines that Convert

Copywriting, Marketing

The Best Keyword Research Tools To Try

Keyword research is at the heart of SEO, content marketing, and creating AdWords campaigns. Figuring out what keywords you want to rank for and develop your content and campaigns around is absolutely key in digital marketing. You want to know what your branded and non-branded keywords, as well as short and long tail keywords are.… Continue reading The Best Keyword Research Tools To Try